1.Vertical histogram of frequencies of words in a given string using an example in C programming.

2.Finding the power of a number from 0 up to its 10th power using a function in a C program .

3.Printing a Vertical Histogram of words in a string representing the size of each word using an 
example in C program.

4.Counting the total number of occurrences of a given word in a string using a C program.

5.Finding all occurrences of a given word in a string using a C program.

6.Finding the last occurrence of a word in a given string using a C program.

7.Finding the position of first occurrence of a word in a given string using C program.

8.Replacing all occurrences of a character with another using a C program.

9.Removing the last occurrence of a character with another using a C program.

10.Replacing the first occurrence of a character with another using a C program.

11.Removing all repeated occurrences of a characters in a string using a C program .

12.Removing all occurrences of a character in a string using a C program.

13.Removing the last occurrence of a character in a string in C programming.

14.Removing the first occurrence of a character in a string in C programming.

15.Finding the lowest frequency of a characters in a string in C programming.

16.Finding the maximum occurrences of a character in a given string in C programming.

17.Counting the total number of occurrences of each character in a string using C programming.

18.Counting the total number of occurrences of a character in a string.

19.Printing the indexes of the all occurrences of a character in a string using C programming.

20.Finding the index of last occurrence of a character in a string using C programming.

21.Finding the index of any required character in the given string in C programming.

22.Reverse of a string in C programming.

23.Counting the number of words in a given string in C programming.

24.Counting the number of vowels and consonants in a given string in C programming.

25.Counting the total number of alphabets, digits and special characters in the given string in C programming.

26.Toggling case of letters in a string in C programming.

27.Upper case to lower case of converting letters in C programming.

28.Converting lower case letters to upper case letter in C programming.

29.Comparing two strings in C programming.

30.Concatenate two strings in C programming.

31.Copying string using with and without string functions in C programming.

32.Finding the length of a string using string functions in C programming.

33.Finding the position of an element in an array using arrays in C programming.

34.Finding the longest line among several lines using a C program.

35.A C program to print all input lines that are longer than 80 characters.

36.a C program to remove trailing blanks and tabs from each line of input, and to delete entirely blank lines.

37.A program to reverse the characters in the lines given by the user.

38.Removing the comments using a C program.

39.The program DETAB. 

40.Checking rudimentary syntax errors.

41.Adding of two complex numbers using a c program

42.Adding of two numbers without using the '+' in a C program.

43.converting hexadecimal, octal, binary to decimal and vice versa using a C program.

44.Separating the even and odd elements in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

45.Printing reverse order of an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

46.Printing two arrays into single array and printing the elements in the merged array in ascending and descending order(c programming examples)(c program examples)

47.Finding the frequency of each element in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

48.Deleting the duplicate elements in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

49.Finding the number of duplicate elements in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

50.Printing all unique numbers in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

51.Changing an element in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

52.Copying one array to another array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

53.Counting the number of negative digits in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

54.Counting the even and odd numbers in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

55.Printing the negative numbers in an array using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

56.Sum of digits in an array in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

57. Finding the maximum and minimum number in an array in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

58.Finding the second most highest number in an array in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

59.Printing horizontal histogram of a given string input using character function in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

60.Counting numbers, words and other character of a given input using arrays in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

61.Factorial of a given number using recursion in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

62.Addition of natural numbers using recursion in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

63.Printing the combinations of prime numbers of a given number using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

64.Printing prime numbers using functions in C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

65.Printing fibonacci series using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

66.Finding all prime numbers upto a certain limit using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

67.Finding the list of perfect numbers upto a certain limit using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

68.Finding the given number is perfect or not using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

69.Finding the list of Armstrong numbers upto given input number using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

70.Finding the given number is Armstrong number or not using C programming(c programming examples)(c program examples)

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